Monday, March 09, 2009

Wish me luck!!!

I have been searching for some school to continue my education on Master program. It has been really hard to decide which major and school i should go to and it's because of my family financial problem. Well, sort of.. I mean they encouraged me to continue my education abroad but on two condition, first, I have to get a full scholarship which i think it's quite hard to get one and second, I have to get my Master degree in Islamic Country. Well, Malaysia or Cairo for example.. But Malaysia and Cairo don't have the program I want which is fashion bussiness. After months of searching, I found something that I'm quite interested in. It's Bussiness, Environment, and Sustainability major in Leeds University on their Postgraduate Programs. After all, I'm doing my Bachelor thesis on related issues which entitled "The Cooperation Between World Wildlife Fund, Nike and Sony in Fighting Climate Change in The US Through Climate Savers Program."

But my passion for fashion doesn't stop me from getting what i want almost my entire life. I want to work in fashion industry so I decided to search again for some fashion schools. I found Istituto Marangoni which is located in Milan, Paris, and London and I emailed them. I really intersted on their Masters Programme in Fashion Buying. After a few weeks, yesterday I received an email from Mr. Alan Brivio, the person who is responsible for the admission of Indonesian students and he wants to meet up!!! YYYYYIIIIIPPPPIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm one step closer to achieve my dreams....

Well, wish me luck guys!!!!!! *smooches


Kiki Yuliarizki said...

wow!!keren kk bisa diterima study di fashion school keren di milan...(kebanyakan di-.....hehehehe)
moga suksesss!!!

Anonymous said...

heheh nggak ko..
gw lupa ternyata gw ga apply ksana..
dan cm ketemuan doang ko..
but if I apply, doain yah!!!